If a horse can’t breathe, it can’t work! Dust-filled arenas pose health risks to both horse and rider! Arena Dust-B-Gone Is:
►All Natural
►Environmentally Safe
►Easy Application
Dust-B-Gone Testimonial:
“We first used Dust-B-Gone about 6 months ago. I had done a lot of online research, as well as asking friends what they had used to limit dust. I decided to try Dust-B-Gone due to the comments from others that had used it, the ease of application and the cost – which wasn’t the cheapest thing on the market, but it wasn’t the most expensive either. Honestly, I was skeptical, but I figured we would try it and hopefully it would at least cut down on the dust somewhat. We used our RTV to drag a harrow while wetting our 200×50 ft indoor arena floor. Once it was wet enough, we sprayed the Dust-B-Gone and harrowed a little more to mix it in. I was SHOCKED! It worked 100%! We were just a few weeks out from our annual barn party. We had 250 people in the arena – walking, running, playing, dancing – and there was NO DUST! I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself and I take every opportunity to tell people about this great product. It’s time to reapply again and I have no hesitation in spending the money because I know it works. Every word is true. Thanks so much!”
– Becky & Don Cornejo, Kansas
I started my search for Dust Control over a year ago. We had purchased a place with a 90X200 Ft Indoor arena. We had lots of customers wanting to ride in the winter but I had to shut it down last winter because of the dust.
My husband and I both work full time and it was not feasible for us to drag the hoses out twice a week and water so we had to close it to the public.
I search the internet and researched a lot of product. They all had their downfalls plus they were all really expensive. I thankfully ended up on the Townsend Ranch website and was excited to find out it was right here in Montana. I spent several phone calls gathering information from Janice Townsend about the product Arena Dust-B-Gone. I found out that my initial treatment was a 1/3 of the cost of all the other products I researched.
I visited the Ranch, saw the traffic they have in their barn and how many days they were going between watering and I was sold. I applied my first treatment in September and it has been awesome. My barn is back open and we go 3 weeks or more between watering.
I would 100 % recommend this product.
- F.
We built an indoor arena in 2003. We began searching for a dust control product and were shocked at the cost and maintenance involved. Then we found out about Arena Dust-B-Gone. This is an amazing product. We live in Montana and the weather is very dry. We treated our indoor arena in the early spring and found that we only needed to water during the hottest part of the summer. Even then we are only watering once a week. In fact we generally do a maintenance treatment in Oct. and because we live in a climate that often see below freezing temp. All winter we do not water again until March. We have no dust and our arena looks great.
This product really works and is very cost efficient and requires low maintenance in comparison to the other products we found on the market.
R & K V.
Why Arena Dust-B-Gone?!
If a horse can’t breathe, it can’t work! Dust-filled arenas pose health risks to both horse and rider! |
Did You Know…. The ability to consume available oxygen is an indicator of how well a horse’s body can use fuel when he is working aerobically. |
Extended dust exposure can also limit the blood cells’ ability to fight infectious diseases by overloading the lung’s primary defense mechanism!
Aside from general aggravation and congestion, dust may also contain harmful particulate depending on the makeup of your soil!
Arena Dust-B-Gone is a safe, biodegradable, long-lasting, environmentally friendly!
► A horse can’t breathe, it can’t work! Research shows that horses require startling 3,000% more oxygen while training and competing than while at rest!!Anyone who has spent time in an untreated arena can attest to the fact that dust reduces the amount of breathable oxygen in a closed space.
► Dust-filled arenas pose health risks to both horse and rider!Dusty environments irritate the eyes and nasal passages and are linked to eye and respiratory problems in both equines and humans!. Dust also aggravates health problems like asthma, heaves, pneumonia, COPD and RAO for rider and horse.
► Extended dust exposure can also limit the blood cells’ ability to fight infectious diseases by overloading the lung’s primary defense mechanism!Increase a horse’s ability to utilize oxygen more efficiently and you have found a way to also improve overall performance, stamina, and endurance and reduce the recovery time from injuries.
Did You Know… Oxygen is the body’s fuel. Without oxygen, a horse’s body would slow and quit within a matter of seconds. |
Aside from general aggravation and congestion, dust may also contain harmful particulate depending on the makeup of your soil!Certain areas of the country have higher levels of phosphates, silica and other potentially harmful substances in the soil. The natural action of riding and repeatedly working the soil in an indoor environment breaks these substances down into smaller and smaller particles that can become airborne as dust.
► Arena Dust-B-Gone is a safe, biodegradable, long-lasting, environmentally friendly!Arena Dust-B-Gone is a clear, odorless biodegradable treatment. Take a moment to read the Material Safety Data Sheet posted here on our website. It confirms that Arena Dust-B-Gone is 100% safe and environmentally friendly.
****Arena Dust-B-Gone is 100% safe****
(for: Animals, Humans and the Environment!)
It’s a fact of life … Dust Happens!
If you’re lucky enough to have an indoor riding arena, you must manage and control dust to protect the health of your livestock and your riders.
Treatment that eliminates dust in your indoor arena – but the benefits doesn’t stop there:
* Reduce water usage.No one can afford to waste water, whether you use a private well or haul water in. Water usage varies depending upon humidity and climate; with the doors open for ventilation here inMontana, we sometimes had to water our arena twice a day during the summer months to keep dust down in our extremely low humidity.
*Reduce labor costs.Someone’s got to spray! Apply Arena Dust-B-Gone once, and then follow with a maintenance application two to three months later at 1/5 the initial application rate.
*Reduce fuel costs.Even if you spray from a fuel efficient ATV, costs add up; if you currently haul water for dust control, you use even more fuel.
*Ride more!Hauling and spraying water for dust control takes time away from pleasure riding, training and competing – and isn’t that why you have an indoor arena?
How Does It Work? |
Arena Dust-B-Gone works by;coating each individual particle in your soil so it retains moisture long after it would have normally evaporated. This adds weight to the particles, so they cannot be suspended in the air as dust.
Protect and Improve Health and Performance
Use Arena Dust-B-GoneRegularly!!
Arena Dust-B-Gone is Easy and Economical to Apply!
Arena Dust-B-Gone is sold in 5 gallon buckets with a convenient quick spout for easy pouring. Apply Arena Dust-B-Gone FULL STRENGTH with your sprayer.
For the initial application, dampen the footing completely with the mixture. Each gallon of Arena Dust-B-Gone treats 750 square feet (5 gallons/3,750 square feet).
Example; if your indoor arena is 70 ft x 150 ft, you have a total area of 10,500 square feet. Divide 10,500 by the application rate of 750 sq. ft. and you will need 14 gallons of Arena Dust-B-Gone for the initial application.
For continued effectiveness, reapply maintenance coat of Arena Dust-B-Gone, every three months at 1/5 the normal application rate.
For the 10,500 square foot arena in the above example, the maintenance application is only 2.8 gallons every three months.
That’s less than 23 gallons of Arena Dust-B-Gone and just four applications for an entire year of dust abatement.
Did You Know…. Horses carry their own emergency supply of oxygen in their spleens! |
Where Arena Dust-B-Gone should not be used: |
Arena Dust-B-Gone is not recommended for use in Box Stalls or Outdoor Arenas.
NOTE: , Customers do use it in alleyways to eliminate dust, a handheld hose end sprayer is a convenient way to treat small areas!
About Us!
Arena Dust-B-Gone is sold exclusively by the Townsend Ranch, aka. the LAZY TE. We stumbled upon this product in 2005 and were very happy with the results in our own indoor arena. Unfortunately, when it was time to reorder, we learned that the owner of the company had died and the family had no interest in selling the product. We bought the rights and began marketing the product as “Arena Dust-B-Gone”. YES… We Believe in the product THAT Much!
Currently,Arena Dust-B-Gone is being used by indoor arena owners all over the United States.
Protect and Improve Health and Performance
Use Dust-B-Gone Regularly!!
Please contact us if you have any questions!
(406) 363-4846